Internet Society utsatt för e-mailscam

Inatt gick Internet Society ut med meddelande (se nedan) om att de är utsatta för e-mail scam. Det är tråkigt när den Internet organisation som arbetar hårt för fair play på Internet blir utsatta för angrepp själva.

The Internet Society (ISOC) has recently become aware that there is an email scam circulating, which claims to be part of a competition sponsored by ISOC.

The email, which claims that ISOC is a sponsor of the ”FAN-OF-THE-WEB Promotion for 2008”, promises a prize will be sent once the recipient provides certain personal details, including passport information, as well as a payment for shipping fees.

Please be advised that ISOC is not connected in any way with these emails, nor does it sponsor the competition named in those mails. Furthermore, ISOC is not involved in any competitions or awards that would result in unsolicited emails of this nature.

ISOC urges all Internet users to be careful of any unsolicited emails that ask you to provide money or personal information. If you have any doubts about any mail which purports to be connected to ISOC, please feel welcome to contact us directly:
Contact Internet Society

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